Anchored in Love

"Life’s persistent and most urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'" - Martin Luther King Jr. 

November is a plentiful time of year. Some would call it the month of gratitude as historically we’ve used this time to gather with our closest family and friends to give thanks. We usher in the busyness of the holiday season as we prepare for another calendar year to come to a close. At this moment,  there is a beautiful opportunity to spread love and add beauty to the world around us.

Giving has always fascinated me; for the simple fact that whenever we give we are really receiving. In every dimension that you give a gift, you in turn receive the glorious gift of joy. We all yearn to be nourished with the richness of love, kindness, and sweet compassion. These are the greatest gifts we can give and receive. Such gifts cost nothing, so I ask you: how are you giving at this moment?

My journey with giving was the catalyst to my founding City Chik on a Mission (our 501c3). Anchored in love and community I set out to cultivate a space where individuals could work together to create a brighter more abundant world. The mission was simple; to activate giving in a way where we could give and receive simultaneously. Our mission is that we are here to help each other, empower each other and love each other. We are all interconnected.  

Our programming continues to evolve; expanding our work in both Ghana and Kenya. One of our largest campaigns is to raise $80,000 in funds for a secondary school for girls ages 11 to 17 in Kisii, Kenya. We are well on our way thanks to all of the ambassadors in our global community.  As a community, we will create a future that is bright and our impact will have ripples. You can join us by using the link in our bio to donate to this mighty cause. 

As we round out the month of November and welcome in December, join me in reflecting on the practice of giving. Take a deep breath, place your hand on your heart, and reflect with me.  

  • What gifts have you received?

  • What have you given?

  • How did giving make you feel?

  • How did receiving make you feel?

  • How can you expand your giving?

What’s on My Heart

  1. Search Inside Yourself Institute. Search Inside Yourself is a way to help people cope and navigate complexity and change in various facets of life. 

  2. Inspire Kindness Organization. Inspire Kindness is a community created to make the world a kinder place. 

To be in a state anchored in love, a place where we give and receive with an open heart –is a divine place to be.

With Heart


Cheryl Pipia